Thursday, September 13, 2007

Good mail

Do you ever run out to the mailbox thinking that wonderful things might be inside? Only to find junk mail and bills? I don't know where or when my obsession with the mail started, but I ALWAYS look forward to the mail. No matter how many times I've been let down and gotten a bunch of shit, I continue to run to the mailbox every day. Maybe it's because on occassion I recieve an unexpected treat. (Or maybe it's because I buy way too much stuff on the Internet and get packages fairly often!)

Last week I happened to get a really funny postcard from Cami and her cousin mielikki. I knew I had given her my address, but was still pleasantly surprised when I got the card. And I just loved it! You know how you used to (ok, maybe not you, but I did) drunk dial people? And now I have a friend that drunk texts! This was another version. The drunk postcard!

Oh, how I wish I could have joined in the drinking!


CamiKaos said...

tee hee.

That was a good night.

mielikki said...

I second that!

Bubblewench said...

They are a couple of crazies! I hopefully will post mine tonight!

Lisa said...

That is SO funny!

Becky C. said...

I may be wrong, but from the looks of that handwriting it looks to have been written in the midst of a pretty heavy Tequila session:)


Jo Beaufoix said...

Ahh mine hasn't come yet.

Blumming UK post.


sybil law said...


mielikki said...

Becky C
we were drinking these things called"Apple Bombs" and the base was Vodka that night.
The next night, though? Out came the tequila. . .

Elizabeth F. said...

That's too funny. I prefer making the drunk phone calls myself and then passing out while still on the phone. Well, I don't do that anymore..he..he..

Head on over to my blog for your chance to win a Target Gift Card! It's my Blogaversary!

BOSSY said...

Too funny.