Saturday, February 2, 2008

This is what's keeping me busy

This is my front entry wall. I've been framing all sorts of pictures to make a gallery wall. I still need to fill in the blank spaces, but got the majority of it done. It was a lot of work going through all my old pictures then cropping them to the right size, printing them and framing them. But, I'm really happy with it.
This is my favorite picture from the photographer. It's a 16X20. It's so perfect because we're all conforming to the composition of the picture, except Xander. And that's how it is in life in general!
Here are a few more of the family shots. I know it's hard to see. The one on top is a picture of mine and Robert's legs and the kids sitting next to us. Then there's a family one in the grass. On the bottom it's all of us sitting on a bench looking at the ducks.
Here's Xander's collage. Robert and Carissa already had there's done awhile ago.
And here's Jocelyn's.
And when I'm not framing pictures, I'm tattooing my son!


CamiKaos said...

I love LOVE that large portrait where you're almost all turned away. It is so beautiful

I'm jealous.

sybil law said...

Wonderful! I have a wall like that I've "been" working on forever, so I congragulate you on getting further than me!!
You need to put up the tattoo pic!!!

holly said...

i love that turned-away photo too. i so wish i could get my wall going. every time i just get my wall done? time to move. ugh.


Wow...what a lovely picture wall. I am ashamed, that I do not own one family picture, of all of us together. I really need to get on that..the last picture is too cute. Love the tatts!

Another Mom on the Internet said...

I love that picture!!!! Xander is adoreable, turning back to look.

Unknown said...

I need to put more pictures up.

mielikki said...

I love having family pictures around me, your wall looks great

BOSSY said...

What an excellent idea- although Bossy prefers to feature the family that came already mounted in her Art Store frames. Ah geesh, one of these days...

Leah said...

oh yah! I love it Lori! I adore that 16x20 too

Jo Beaufoix said...

The pictures are fab. And Xander is so cute. I love that you're ok with him doing his own thing. That makes it perfect.